Gaggia Accademia |
Gaggia, the Italian coffee machine manufacturer has created a simply delightful option for those who are determined to turn their homes into the coffeehouse next door. I had an opportunity to get up close and personal with a demo model of the Gaggia
Accademia at the Housewares show earlier this year and was thoroughly impressed with this superautomatic espresso machine, not only for its design, but for its handling and the thoughtful details that seemed to address many of the oversights of superautomatic machines in other lines. The machine is substantial and all of the parts feel sturdy. The machine is front loading which makes removing the brewing system and cleaning out the grounds tray extremely quick and features an integrated coffee bean container and integrated grinder. The TFT display features color and black characters and the one touch multi-beverage panel is easy to use and makes selecting your drink of choice quick and easy. As you may expect a machine of this type allows you to customize your drinks so that each of your particular drink attributes from the body of your drink down to the amount of milk or coffee to be put into your cup are maintained in the system. The touch button system ahs separate buttons for espresso, caffe, caffe longo, cappuccino, latte macchiato and latte. The machine has a 15-bar pressure system and a 1.6 liter water tank along with a double boiler and a hot water and steam nozzle attached to the front of the machine. The milk jar is removable and also integrated into the machine and includes an automatic milk circuit cleaning cycle. The machine should reach the U.S. market later this year just in time for the holidays and will retail somewhere in the US $2500-$3500 range. For more information please contact