It is a truly rare find to visit a household that does not have a dedicated drawer for food storage products like wraps, bags and coverings. I have always found humor in the overdramatic scenes frequently portrayed in television commercials, but I have to admit that leaks, spoilage and decimation of my food has led to great moments of disappointment, anger and frustration. I am always on the lookout for great products that will help me to optimize my storage options, but old habits die hard. The first step for me was to break away from what I had been accustomed to using. I eventually had to admit that I have little dexterity with plastic wraps or foils. I finally realized that some people are especially gifted at wrapping food like others are at wrapping gifts. My trials led me to wonder if there was a class somewhere I should take on food wrapping techniques? I needed capsules on how to avoid pitfalls like seeing your plastic bunching up before you can tear it off, the asymetrical tear, or the punched look when the serrated blade penetrates but does not quite tear off the roll, or the worst mishap of all, dropping the entire roll from the box and then trying to straighten the plastic wrap for the next use. I eventually abandoned plastic for foil, but found little success there either. Foil appears so pretty and shiny on the first go round, but can often be diffcult to seal tightly. After one use it reveals its limited use--let's face it--no one
really wants to use recycled foil. I eventually moved on and invested quite a few dollars into plastic storage container sets only to eventually lose lids because I could not quite figure out the best place to store them. I also found it difficult and sometimes impossible to get the lids to stay in place, and generally I found that many of the containers were too bulky for my needs. The makers of
CoverMates apparently had me in mind when they developed their system. I never knew that what I was really in need of were stretch-to-fit covers that I could use on all of my lidless plastic storage containers just as easily as I would my dinnerware. The first thing CoverMates did right was to create a size system of small, medium, large and extra large--a perfect compliment to the way that many of us shop for clothing. We don't expect perfection when we buy these sizes, but we know the range of things they will fit. The food covers work in the freezer and the refrigerator, and are designed for both cooling and freezing. CoverMates are also compatible with microwaves and great for reheating, defrosting and steaming foods. The designers were very thoughtful and integrated corner vents to allow steam to escape during the microwaving process, built-in the flexbands which stretch to fit round and square containers because the covers accomodate corners. The heat-sealed edge allows the covers to be reusable because water cannot penetrate the seal. One will also find the heft of the covers to be a wonderful weight, not too heavy and not too light. Notably, they are clear covers which allow you to see your foods and to take the mystery out of guessing through cloudy lids or distorted covers. Finally, CoverMates are in line with many green aspects consumers like me are looking for, they are reusable and easy to clean (you can actually place them in the dishwasher). As an added plus, the covers are made with FDA-compliant food-grade polyethylene film and a biodegradable latex-free rubber band, and they are free of both BPA and PVC. The company is offering an
internet special for ordering a sample set of CoverMates and a coupon.
What are some of your food storage concerns? Please e-mail