In a world of brightly colored enameled cast iron, brilliant stainless steel, gleaming copper pots and simply elegant white ceramic cookware, it is often difficult for non-stick cookware (which is often associated with lines including
Pyrex), to gain points for flare or sophistication. Luckily for the non-stick fans, who like to bake beautiful lasagnes, pies or brownies in glass,
Anchor Hocking has created a beautiful line of cookware that immediately caught my eye at the
2010 International Home + Housewares Show.

The cinnamon colored bakeware brings a fresh approach to your typical non-stick fare. The bakeware is oven safe up to 425 degrees and can also be used in the microwave. In addition, the pieces are also dishwasher and freezer safe. The palette which includes a deep cinnamon color with a metallic finish can provide a foundation for your cookware color scheme or can work well as a standalone set. On display were several sizes including
5x9, 8x8 and 9x13 bakers. For more information contact